Is No One Else Hyped About IKEA in Navi Mumbai?
Am I the only one looking forward to IKEA in Mumbai? Crazy!
Types of Staff at Every SBI Branch
A satirical look at the different types of staff you see at every State Bank of India branch.
Describing the Four Newspaper Kiosks that I Patronize
There are four different kiosks located in different parts of the township that I live in that I frequent to buy newspapers. Because I found out that the agency that used to deliver to my home was ripping me off, I began buying it myself and, that too, without paying extra for “delivery”. Now it…
The State of Legal Consultation in Navi Mumbai
People who know me closely know that we have been trying to buy a house. We struck a resale deal sometime in the middle of 2018 and have ever since been meaning to move to this new apartment. Unfortunately, there has been little progress since we registered the sale a few weeks after the vocal…
The Definitive Guide to Surviving Shopping at DMart
It is a known fact that shopping at a DMart store can be a life-threatening experience. Which is why a guide like this is absolutely essential. Today, shopping at DMart – the Indian chain of hypermarkets and a nightmare to local grocery shops – is an uphill task. Whatever day of the week or the…
The Dry Waste and Wet Waste Problem
Last week I and my friend were walking around a man-made lake somewhere in Navi Mumbai talking about our career growth. And we thought of grabbing some ice cream. I picked up a Havmor cup of vanilla, while my friend wrestled with anxiety. As is common with him, he took about five minutes to select…
Mumbai’s Autorickshaws And Their Evil Quotient
Lately I have been relating autorickshaws with my girlfriends because both have mastered various ways of rejecting when it comes to me requesting to ride in them or them riding me, respectively. It is a well-known fact that if you are to hire an autorickshaw to your workplace, you have to deal with at least…