Hello. My name is Tejas Nair and this is my personal website. I write about culture and society. Most of what I write are not popular opinions. So, if you stop hearing from me, call the cops. Then wait for them to respond.
I was with the Publicis Groupe from 2015 to 2021, where I managed content and performance marketing campaigns. Then I moved to Western Union and spent two years as an editor of global UX content before taking a sabbatical. In 2024, I spent three months with HDFC Bank before joining Jio Financial Services.
I have a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics. I completed a Master’s course in English in 2019. I made some big life decisions in 2016 and 2022. 2024 has been my most tumultuous year so far which began with the theft of my cycle.
I have lived in Navi Mumbai since I was two. I like travelling, hoarding books, Redditing, obsessing over stationery, and riding my Honda motorbike.
This website is hosted on WordPress, registered through GoDaddy, and secured using the open-source Let’s Encrypt. tejasnair.com redirects to this site.