Nasty things.
- Window-shop without the intention of buying
- Take one product from a rack in aisle 3 and put it back in a rack in aisle 23 (don’t you often find a pack of biscuits smothered between two pairs of jeans?)
- Take ownership of an aisle by artfully placing their trolleys in the middle
- Drop things and pretend to not have noticed
- Drop things and leave them for the housekeeping to pick up
- Gaze at other people’s trolleys
- And then judge them by their contents
- Ogle at women
- Ogle at good-looking men
- Bring their crying babies
- Bring their better halves who fail at tending the crying babies
- Use a trolley when they want to buy only a packet of bread
- Park their trolleys literally anywhere before going upstairs to check out those colourful bean bags
- Empty perfume/deodorant bottles
- Keep away from sanitary pads and undergarments section
- Discuss recipes
- Try out a tee, hate it, wring it into a ball, and then put it back in the toys section
- Clog entranceways
- Criticise the hypermarket for not managing their entranceways
- Take home trolleys and/or baskets with them
- Spill loose products
- Keep the refrigerators open
- Try to replace price tags hoping the CCTVs don’t catch them
- Vent ire about paying 3 to 5 rupees for polythene bags
- Decide to not buy that sauce while at the counter
- Forget their credit card identification number
- Forget to bring their wallet
- Block the exitway
- Forget at least one thing to buy
Enough to make supermarkets one of the worst places to work.
2 responses to “List: Things Adults Do At A Supermarket”
[…] of the day or the store you choose to go shopping, you are going to meet the entire planet there. Kids and adults alike shopping like they are hoarding up for an apocalypse. And there’s no way you can have a peaceful […]
[…] the day or the store you choose to go shopping, you are going to meet the entire planet there. Kids and adults alike shopping like they are hoarding up for an apocalypse. And there’s no way you can have a peaceful […]