Category: Articles

  • The Dark Of Authority

    Every institution is administered by authority & that is more of a necessity as we all know. But what happens when you can’t change the Date & Time settings in a PC in a Signals & Systems laboratory? What happens when the dialog says “You don’t have proper privilege to access the settings?” What happens…

  • Dance Of The Meteorological Department

    It is rather dishearteningly funny how the most sought-after department operates during monsoon. The Indian Meteorological Department and its near useless weather alerts have been ruining my commute plans since I began commuting here in Mumbai. It is assumed that people who work there know what they are doing . You might not have noticed…

  • The Problem with Toothpaste Ads

    The Problem with Toothpaste Ads

    My take on the baffling choices I have to make while going toothpaste shopping.

  • I Once Got Aroused By a Roadside Mannequin

    I Once Got Aroused By a Roadside Mannequin

    My take on why the ban on mannequins as ordered by a Mumbai corporator is not only a good idea but germination of a pervasive thought…