The Sticking Pain of Losing a Bicycle
Some thoughts on the stifling pain of losing an object I hadn’t gotten enough of.
2 Men Stole My Bicycle
2 men took less than 2 minutes to steal my mountain bike and give me 2 weeks of pain and stress.
My Booker Prize Book Collection Journey So Far
An update on my Booker Prize book collection progress.
Notes on the 2023 MAMI Mumbai Film Festival
Thoughts and observations on the 10-day film extravaganza in Mumbai.
Watching a Gothic Horror Film in a 2,500-Seater Open-Air Auditorium
Recollecting the time I watched a horror film in an open-air auditorium with thousands of people in Trivandrum, Kerala.
BlaBla Between Mumbai and Pune
Using BlaBlaCar and meeting random people who now crowd my Google Pay history section.
Losing Books, and Friends With Them
How I reduced the number of books in my personal library or how to lose friends.