The Delayed Pain of Selling a Car
A short piece about that feelings that I felt when I sold my car in November 2020.
How Difficult Is It To Buy a Laptop These Days?
A recent experience while looking to buy a laptop online.
Books I Read in 2019
A list of all the books I read in 2019.
My Lockdown Novelties
The lockdown has almost upended my life and now it is just a stream of unhealthy lifestyle choices including this new habit of writing at three in the morning. One of the major discussions that I participate in these days that is not work is about what food to cook and eat for the next…
Book Title Drops – A Project
Book Title Drops is my latest side project where I snap title drops in books and post them on Instagram. Here’s the account. The process I follow is to simply record instances where the title of the book is mentioned in the book, click a picture, and upload it with details. These include the page…