The Moral Folks create a National An(a)them(a)
Here I try to answer if it is necessary to stand up to attention during our National Anthem. Looks like it is in your own intellectual freedom to do it. You may or you may not; no one is going to punish you. There is no law that say so.
In Front Of The Screen
Explicit content warning: The post is not suitable for children. Read responsibly! When it comes to movies, nothing beats a theater experience, the 30 x 70 foot screen being the prime factor. But going in every week to catch the latest movie wouldn’t be possible as far as the wallet is concerned, and it will…
A Theater Habit
Last day I booked three tickets for the largely hyped Hollywood space drama film “Gravity” at an INOX Cinema (formerly FAME Cinemas) through an online portal. Not only was the 3D excellent, but the film also was worth the price. I rated it 10/10 here! And guess what, the 3D goggles cost me nothing. Everything…